This is what I think of spring this year. Spring? Winter? Spring? no? yes? It is like the loves me, loves me not daisy. Believe me. I know winter. I am from western New York. I went to college in central New York. I have lived in Chicago. I know winter. I am in Georgia now. So, right now average temps are 66 degrees. This is what I saw this week:
Loves me NOT....27???? |
Loves me not....frost on the car! |
Loves me....the flowers on the entrance to our neighborhood. |
Love blooming on my sister's tree. | |
There are some signs of spring, yes. However, winter seems to be hanging around. We have not seen 66 degrees yet this week. Soccer practice and games have been cancelled more often than we have had them. Enjoying some of the quiet/down time because of that but the kids are stir crazy. So am I. I am ready to run outside without several layers. I am ready to stand in car line in the morning without gloves and a hat. I am ready to see green grass and smell flowers. I am ready to plant my garden. I will give spring a little more time.....
xo ~M