My schedule today: work by 7:25 (with two out of the three children). Interim IEP meeting at 7:45. From 8:30-11:30-testing for 2nd graders (reading fluency) and Kindergarten (letter naming). Break for lunch (30m). Back at 12 for 1st grade-letter sounds, letter naming, nonsense words, and reading passages (mind you, I can recite all of the reading passages by heart). Finished at 2:50 pm, did some busy work at my desk and checking emails until I picked up the kids from the after school program. Went to Primrose School to see a private kiddo for speech -kids back in car to drop Ella off for goalie training. Max and I opened up the Spirit Wear store, where I volunteer every Wednesday for 2 hours. No WiFi, so I can't do work or blog, so I old schooled it on a notepad. Also coordinated soccer games for September, October, and November, since we got soccer schedules-I color coded. It looks like a rainbow nightmare. So it is 9:42pm. I had a bagel with tomato and cucumber for dinner with a glass of vino. Looking toward to another full day tomorrow.....
My view .... |
My partner-he tells me when someone steals something, I'll run after them. I'll do my boxing moves. (he looks really invested) |
Old schooling it..... |
Color coding, but missing Max's blue....his schedule isn't out yet! |