I de-activated Facebook one week ago. For several reasons-1) time consumption -just don't go on one would say. Easier said than done, I say. If I could figure out why I feel the need to surround myself with "friends"...well that's the million dollar question. 2) as a good friend of mine said. "I feel like I know too much" - this is true. I know who ate waffles for breakfast, whose kid had a breakdown in Target, and who ran 5 miles and "FEELS GREAT" (while I feel like crap-again easier said than done to NOT compare). I felt myself doing the same thing..."5 miles in sub 50!" And for what? WHO NEEDS TO KNOW THAT? WHY do I need approval or "likes" to feel good about something that should just make me feel good? 3) some things that you read or see hurt. Ok so just de-friend THOSE people. When it comes down to it, it is just way too much. Too much time, energy, nonsense....The things I have liked are coming into contact with people with whom I have
not seen or heard from in a long time. If I am meant to stay in contact, there are still phones and emails, right? I have also liked it for getting information out to a large number of people either in alert or support. The last, a friend of mine has a clothing boutique exclusively through Facebook. Well, I guess I will save a little money. So I am 1 week FB-free and I have to admit, I am still feeling twitchy. I reach for the iPad or my phone to check in. What is going on on? I MUST know. I know it will pass. I will be better for it, I am sure. In the meantime, I am still on Instagram-(I do like it because it is picture based) and I am making time for real life status updates.....Here are some from this week.
My boy |
MEOW!!!! |
All the cousins |
My sweet niece, Evelyn, posing on the pumpkin |
I thought this was a pretty cool pumpkin-looked like peanuts on it. |
Max found some bat sunglasses in the store. |
I talon I found! Awesome find! Josh dumped his drink out and put it in the cup for the kids to take to school. |
Koi pond |
My girly-girl gets an NFL face painting....it says UA (Under Armour) on the other cheek.... |
My beautiful butterfly |
Our front yard |
This was not Max's ball to get, but I LOVE the huge smile on his face while he is running! |