For ten years (since Keelin was 4), we have been a soccer family. With a smattering of gymnastics, 2 winter seasons of basketball, and a season of track and field thrown in to give it some flavor. We have traveled all over Georgia and also played in SC. We have started at 7am and we have ended at 7pm. Josh and I have broken down fields, checked in for tourneys, done uniform fittings, worked in the spirit wear store, cheered until we were hoarse, gave hugs for tears....and so on....Soccer has been a huge part of our lives. Max started playing when he was 3~loving it just as much as his sisters. He has played up an age group and held his own. So when he announced he wanted to swim....we were like...huh? Swim? Let me tell you...swimming brings a whole new kind of crazy. First of all we don't have a swim team in our neighborhood so we take Max to a pool by Josh's school. Practices are daily and meets are once a week beginning at 4:00pm and ending at....ok, so we have never actually made it to the end...because they go FOR-EV-ER. Equipment: goggles and a technical suit ($50). Travel: nearby neighborhoods (gas money) Time: One hour a day and volunteering in the bullpen (no price on sanity) Seeing Max's face when he FLIES through the air when he learns to dive: priceless...
Swimming may grow on us....
(all of these were taken with my not the best quality)
Max's FIRST swim ribbons |
At the diving swim clinic this week |
TRYING to get the diving form |
Getting there |
Woohoo ..the best one yet! |