Oh my loofah......
I wish I had started blogging sooner. When the girls were little, I put all my efforts into scrapbooking and documenting their lives and experiences through photos. Even before them, I think I used to have some good ideas or thoughts worth blogging! Alas, I have waited this long so many of the little anecdotes belong to Max. It is only fair to the girls though to go down memory lane a little! Keelin has always been creative. When she was smaller, she would play with playdoh or color for hours. Sometimes I would put her down on a piece of butcher block paper and let her "paint." Now she is a creative writer, making up stories, poems, and plays. Ella loves to build her legos and invent things. She will put the legos together with the instructions, but then I watch the wheels turning as she creates something new with those same lego pieces. She is the first one to run to the kitchen when she sees me pull the kitchen aid out to help me bake. She helps Aunt Kristin every Christmas Eve with a desert concoction. Max also likes to help in the kitchen. He also loves the yard and to garden. He wants to plant everything. A kindergarten teacher at my school has a science center in her classroom. Max asks about EVERYTHING. She had a piece of loofah that intrigued him. We learned that the loofah we use for our skin is called Chinese Okra and it is grown from a seed. Max was sold. We bought a pack of seeds over spring break and planted them immediately. So the the photos below are a progression of the growth of Max's Loofah. We started in April 2012 and soon we will document "The Harvest." Enjoy.....xo~M
**Next year Max has his heart set on planting sunflowers and blueberry bushes.
This is our living room window.
The loofah has now grown up to the 2nd floor of our house and to Josh and my bedroom windows.
When the loofah is ready to sprout, the vine loses it's flower. This is one Max found on the ground.
So one morning, I opened my blinds and this is what I saw.....our first actual LOOFAH/okra!
Stay tuned for the harvest.....