Wednesday, October 31, 2012

A Chili Day

Not feeling very creative today with my words....or with my actions.  I almost picked up my scrapbook materials to try to catch myself up.  I did laundry.  Put a movie in, lasted about 13 minutes.  Took light blankets off two beds and put the heavier ones "on" the beds, just folded, not completely on.  Felt very fragmented....ADD about my "tasks" today.  But then Ella mentioned wanting an apple pie.  So she and Max helped me in the kitchen.  Since I was already baking, I started dinner too.  Chili for a chilly day.  Our first real FALL feeling day.  54 degrees!  Spring in Buffalo...time to put the shorts on and open the windows.  But here....we are in sweatshirts and the windows are closed!  So funny.  See even my thoughts are ADD today.  Anyway, Ella and Max helped with the chili too even though Max said he is NOT eating it.  Because why would he want to eat something so cold?? Ella cut the peppers. I cried over the onions.  Max wrinkled his nose at the whole situation.  Happy about the pie, but not the chili. So the whole point to my story today is, the only things I actually completed were consumed.....and they were yummy (even Max liked the chili!)


1 comment:

  1. I love this post. These are the little things we will forget as days, months, years pass. It is great that you capture these moments. I also feel fragmented about tasks, it looks like you invested your time wisely, with your kids and good food. Sending love. Stacy
