As a teacher, there are certain parts of the school year that just seem to drag on. And parts that seem never-ending-like the paperwork. There is nothing that I dislike more than having to bring paperwork home because I see so many students in a day that I do not get a lunch break, nor do I get time for paperwork. Progress report/report card time is one of those times. Writing 60+ progress reports never gets easier. No matter how early I start them, I am still writing them on their due date. Ok, my a MOM....the school years fly by. It is so hard for me to wrap my head around the fact that I have a 7th grader, 4th grader, and sniff, baby is going to Kindergarten. Life gets so chaotic with homework, sports, singing, coaching, seems the only time to stop and enjoy is summer break. I found the picture I took on the first day of school and then took a picture on the last. They have grown so much!
Beautiful kids! I see you in them all.