Monday, February 25, 2013

Sometimes you just gotta dance

So everyone goes through ups and downs.  Many different kinds of ups and downs-with relationships, jobs, money, just life in general.  I have been through my share.  Since becoming a "grown up, " I have become envious of people who seem to have that "inner peace" or "blind faith." This is not about religion or anything, but something I have observed growing older.  There just always seems to be something to worry about.  And then I get stressed because I am worrying so much.  A friend texted me that she wanted to run away today, because she doesn't want to be a grown up anymore.  Doesn't want the responsibilities, the burdens, the worries that appear to go along with being an adult. I could totally relate to her. I kept telling her, "I know.  I know." And she was saying, " I know you know. I wish you didn't know!" Anyway, for the past year or so, I have been reading Sarah Young's devotional book (Jesus Calling) and the book of Awakening, which is more of a meditation kind of book.  I read them together and then journal about what I read and try to relate it to my life.  I try to read everyday but have to admit, it does not always happen. In both of the books-giving to a power higher than yourself (what/who-ever it may be) is pretty relevant.  I have just not found it.  Yet.  See I am trying for that optimism.  I was sitting at my desk today.  I dread end of the month.  Bills are due, money is tight, bills are due....I was responding to a zillion emails, trying to plan lessons, worrying about bills not yet paid, getting data sheets together, trying to work my way down my to-do list....and all of a sudden this overwhelming feeling of happiness came over me.  I can not even describe it.  It wasn't peace or faith.  It was happiness, joy.  I don't know why.  I was just innately and overwhelmingly happy.  I tried to explain it to Josh when I got home and I know I didn't do a good job.  I am not even sure I did it justice here.  When I got home though and saw my kids, my impromptu Unger Dance Party began.  Because when you are happy....dancing is JUST the thing:)
courtesy of Ella Unger

courtesy of Ella Unger

PS Keelin was on Instagram.....probably posting about how utterly embarrassed she was  by the actions of her entire family....which is why she is not in the dance party pictures.....

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

A Walk in the park

It seems like soccer season and all of the running around that went with it just ended, but Monday it began again.  I love that my kids love their sports.  I just feel like less of a mom and more of a taxi driver.  From school to soccer to voice lessons to basketball.  Unfortunately basketball and soccer over lap for the next 3 weeks.  So getting Ella to goalie from 5-6 and having her at basketball practice from 6-7 on the same night but two different places are pretty much impossible.  Oh yeah, and then there is homework and when to make dinner.  It seems like a lot now but I know once we get back into the swing of things it will all be ok.  Ella had practice tonight.  Max was with me.  Instead of racing back home to start dinner and unload the dish washer and start a load of laundry, we played on the playground, walked the trail, and watched the dogs at the dog park.  Totally worth the later bedtime.  Here are some pictures from our afternoon together. 

who needs to slide down a slide when you can climb like a monkey
the big stick he was looking for
Max found where a leaf was embedded in cement
Walking stick

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Special People

There are certain people whom I feel are brought into your life for a reason.  You may not know it right when you meet them or even as you get to know them.  You may always know it or it may creep upon you suddenly.  I met such a person 7 years ago at my job.  She was a student teacher in our special education department and that year I did not even know her that well.  She has since gone on to become Ella's preschool teacher, co-teacher (allowing me to become a part of her classroom), Max's teacher, friend, and I think of her as another sister.  She has become the person I can ask anything regarding my faith and sometimes my lack thereof.  She is helping to guide Keelin down the spiritual path that she has chosen. She recently made Ella's day by coming back to our school to eat lunch with her.  When she visited yesterday, Max didn't leave her lap.  I might not see or talk to her every day, but I know that she is there for me, just as I am there for her.  There are some points in our lives when we need certain people for certain reasons.  Jenn is one of those people for me.  I hope she reads this and know how much she means to me.