Tuesday, July 31, 2012

She's only happy when she's....BUSY

I love summer vacation.  I love having flexibility.  BUT I find myself getting cranky when I am sedentary.  I will sit down to read a book and then get through a few pages, get up and find a project whether it be laundry or just wiping up counter tops.  My favorite time to read is when I go up to bed.  Then I sit still.  This week - just getting back from vacation, I enrolled Ella in soccer camp (because she is happier when she is busy too), sent Keelin to a sleepover, did loads of laundry, set up buckets of shells to bleach, uploaded my 900+ pictures that I took, and THEN decided I needed to tear apart my half bath. So...I tore off the factory installed glued mirror.  I washed the walls and the baseboards.  I patched all the holes.  Then I had fun and went shopping (with the whole family...ok maybe not THAT much fun!) So here are my befores and afters!  Now I think my kitchen needs re-painting.....

And After:

Monday, July 30, 2012

Now I lay me down to sleep....

I found out yesterday that a girl that I went to high school with was killed.  She was a girl when I knew her.  She had since become a wife, mom, teacher, triathlete, cyclist, and more than I even know. I knew her because my best friend's sister was her best friend.  I knew her because we were in marching band together.  I knew her because I cheered for her when she was diving because one of my other good friends dove too.  I found out that others had lost a friend, sister, daughter, mom, wife, teacher, mentor.....because two other people had chosen to drive drunk.  At 7:45. in. the. morning.  I didn't sleep well last night.  I thought about Heather and her family all day.  I thought about her 4 year old and 7 year old children.  Tonight I had to go pick up Ella from soccer.  Max was crying when I left.  I talked to Josh on my way home.  He told me Max cried, I want mommy!  I want Mommy! and he told him "mommy will be home in a few minutes".  Then he told me at that moment, when he said that to Max, he immediately thought of Heather's husband (whom we never met) and how he will have to tuck in his kids when they are crying and asking for their mommy.  Josh said he couldn't even comprehend that feeling of loss.  I thought about Heather and her children...and now her husband.  It breaks my heart.  I can physically feel a weight in my chest thinking about them.  Just an overwhelming sadness over the loss of a woman who was (this was what I remember most) kind.  When I say my prayers, I will pray for Heather's family.  I will keep posted on the blogs and threads on facebook and do what I can to support from afar.  Even if it is just to buy a t shirt to support the movement now to bring awareness to the tragic nature of Heather's death. 
You will be missed, Heather....

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Deadliest Catch....(LOL)
Every year at the beach we go crabbing.   I have gone each year except when Max was a tiny baby and we stayed back at the beach house.  My participation ranges from child chaser to snack distributor to photographer.  We have caught dozens and we have caught one!  This year was mid-range, I think about 16.  The difference today was that I was an ACTIVE participant in that I caught my VERY FIRST CRAB!  Josh and I partnered- with me pulling up the line while he caught the crabs in the net.  But one time, I pulled up the line AND scooped it into the net!  All by myself!  It was so exciting and the kids jumped around and got so excited like I created a new ice cream flavor or something!  It was very cool.  I totally get why the kids like to do it and why they get so excited when they catch them.  I don't even eat crabs-but it WAS fun to catch them :) Here are some shots of our morning crabbing at the Whalehead Club.


 My first crab!

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

OBX-our home away from home...
There is nothing we look forward to as a family more than our trip to OBX each year.  Not even Christmas.  We meet up with our best friends from Buffalo and settle into a routine like we had just seen each other yesterday.  We have a laid back schedule which includes mornings at the beach and afternoons in our pool.  Wine on the beach and freezie pops by the pool.  Dolphin shows from our beach chairs, digging for mole crabs, and floating in the ocean waves.  Evenings in the hot tub and movie nights.  For the kids it is an extended sleep over.  For Josh and I it is life without watches or alarm clocks.  It is bliss....

Stay tuned for more from the OBX....