Wednesday, January 23, 2013

I love you Infinity

I can't figure out if Max's innate ability to ask profound questions at bedtime is true curiosity, stall tactic, or both.  Why does the Earth turn?  How is it light out when the sun doesn't shine?  And his latest, what is the biggest number?  "Max, there is no biggest number.  Numbers just keep going." "No, mommy.  But what number is the biggest?"  So I attempted to explain infinity to Max.  Last night he told me he loved me "infinity + 100." Tonight I told him I loved him.  He asked me how much and I said (I thought cleverly) "Infinity +200!"  Max said, "well I love you infinity + infinity!" In all my fumbling, I guess he grasped the concept of what it meant.    There is nothing better at the end of the say than to hear that someone loves you that much. 

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