Tuesday, June 12, 2012

The Unger Squad

I always thought when I started a blog, it would have a cute or creative name to go along with me and what I am all about.  Maybe something about running or track or a really clever play on words.  But the more I get involved with being a mom and being a wife and being part of this little family and less of just me….I realize, that is no longer.  My son, Max and youngest daughter , Ella are huge super hero fans.  Even my oldest went through the Star Wars love affair.  Max is convinced we are a family of super heroes.  Super heroes can exist in various parts of his life.  He is a strong believer that each monster truck he sees is really a transformer.   He believes his dad’s super power is strength ("but you are strong too mom").  He sets up epic battles with his star wars figures, super hero squad squinkies, xmen characters etc….he dictates who plays the good guys and who plays the bad guys.  Often his sister will have a light sabre or sword fight with him, which delights him to no end.  He puts on his wolverine claws and demands one of us be sabre tooth.   I suppose my husband and I have always enjoyed super heroes and movies.  My husband most definitely with his old comic books and memories of his own super hero figures.  He introduced me to a more in depth world of marvel and dc comics.  I enjoyed the ride.  Now my son is taking over…and I have aptly named us The Unger Squad…..

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